The Math Map Experiment

Which mathematical world maps can we arrive at if we think collectively? As scientists we are constantly interacting with our peers, being inspired by others’ ideas, and inspiring ourselves with lines of research. But how do our thoughts and perceptions of mathematics shape the directions in which we do research, and how does our surroundings provide a frame in which to classify the importance of research questions and results?

The experiment. We will start with an image of a mathematical object, and at each stage, each researcher will be adding a linked concept and a short explanation. This could be a related object, a result, a correspondence, an open question. As the map grows, more possibilities appear for the next researchers to connect to – the updated posters will be included here below, with a summarized visual description of how they grew, and a list of relevant sources for those interested in sections of the map.

The starting images. We will begin the experiment by considering the three images shown below.

Starting images

The evolving map. We started passing along the map in November 2022. We will try and keep this site updated – and in the meanwhile, if you’d like to contribute to the experiment, please reach out to