Fidel A. Schaposnik (1947 - 2023)

With the deepest sadness, my brother Fidel and I bid farewell to our father, Fidel Arturo Schaposnik, who passed away early Saturday July 29th, 2023 in La Plata, Argentina after a month-long battle in the intensive care unit following a hemorrhagic stroke.

He was the best father we could have ever wished for, who taught us the love for science, music, art, cooking, and so much more. He showed us how to appreciate and cultivate friendships, to listen and have a critical mind. He instilled in us the confidence to pursue our dreams, making everything seem within reach with enough effort. He taught us to remember our mother with love, to honor the memory of those who are no longer with us, and to fight for truth and justice.

He leaves us from the pinnacle of a life enjoyed among dear friends, family, and colleagues, organizing dinners every week, doing physics every day. Going to theaters and operas, traveling the world, writing books, and discovering authors. We will miss him deeply, but we will continue to enjoy life in his memory, cherishing him, his stories and his extravagance in every moment, raising his grandchildren under his teachings.

Thirty years later, he rests in peace next to his beloved Patricia, our mother.

Photos of our trips with James in 2010 and 2016 to Paris to see my father, and of my last trip to visit him in April 2023.

Family times laughing together in 2009 and 2011 in La Plata, and in January 2022 in Chicago celebrating the end of the pandemic.

Our boys loved spending time with Abu, learning from him and sometimes just admiring him.

Niko and Abu
Alex and Abu

As time passes, his friends, colleagues and family will be finding different ways in which they want to honor my father’s life. Here are a few things that will be going on.

  • Together with Paula Bergero, we will be editing the lecture notes set Introducción a los Métodos del Conocimiento Científico to be published as a book soon with an Argentinian publisher.
  • The stories that my father told my children always kept them so entertained. Since I recorded most of them, together with my illustrator Cecilia La Rosa we will be working on a children's book "Historias del abuelo" to be finished in the next years.
  • My father's library likely had over 100.000 books, and so we made a beautiful stamp to mark each of them, and now have donated most of his physics and mathematics books to Universidad Nacional de La Plata: a new portion of the library of the Physics Department will be named after him and showcase his books. We found good homes for many other books, and many others are staying within family members, to endure the love for reading among our future generations

My father’s website is still going on at, and I will be fixing all the links that don’t work before too long.