I draw a lot of inspiration for my research and teaching through interactions with people across fields, and because of this I keep an active role organizing international events, graduate schools and outreach events. Below you can find a quasi complete list of the 40+ different events I have organized.
- Co-organized with Ruxandra Moraru and Steve Rayan 2025
- Co-organized with Emily Bernard 2025
- Co-organized with Ruxandra Moraru and Steve Rayan 2025
- Co-organized with James Unwin. 2024
- Co-organized with James Unwin. 2024
- Co-organized with James Unwin, Tom Imbo, Nick Huggett. 2024
- Co-organized with Benjamin Call and Noelle Sawyer – details TBA. 2024
- Co-organized with James Unwin and Nicole Looper. 2023
- Complex Lagrangians, Mirror Symmetry, and Quantization,
BANFF, Canada.Co-Organized with Motohico Mulase and Olivia Dumitrescu and Alex Cruz Morales and Elba Garcia Failde 2023 - Co-Organized with Mengxue Yang and Christopher Mahadeo 2023
- The Geometry, Algebra, and Physics of Higgs Bundles’,
BIRS-Okanagan, Canada.Co-Organized with Lara B. Anderson and Steve Rayan and Sakura Schafer-Nameki 2023
- Co-organized with Lara Anderson. 2022
- Geometric structures (re)United,
UIC, USA.Co-Organized with Brian Collier 2022 - Analytic and geometric aspects of gauge theory Semester program, MSRI, USA.Co-Organized with Laura Fredrickson and Rafe Mazzeo and Tom Mrowka and Thomas Walposki 2022
- The Unity of Mathematics: a conference in honour of Sir Michael Atiyah,
Isaac Newton Institute, UK.Co-organized with Jose Figueroa-O’Farrill and Caroline Series and Ivan Smith and Paul Sutcliffe 2021 - Co-organized with Julius Ross, Will Perkins, Dima Sinapova, Mimi Dai and Bryna Kra 2021
- Sonia Kovalevsky Day VI,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin. 2020 - 2020
- SIDE Math 2020,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin 2020 - Graduate Research opportunities for women 2020,
UChicago, USA.Co-organized with Kevin Corlette, Mimi Dai, Denis Hirschfeldt, Vera Mikyoung Hur, Maryanthe Malliaris, Nikki Pitcher, Mary Silber, Takis Souganidis, and Rebecca Willett. 2020
- Sonia Kovalevsky Day V,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin. 2019 - 2019
- 2019
- Geometry and Physics of Higgs bundles,
Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany.Co-organized with Lara B. Anderson and Tamas Hausel and Rafe Mazzeo. 2019 - Teichmuller theory, Hyperbolicity and Dynamics,
IMPA, Brazil.Co-organized with Alessia Mandini and Misha Verbitsky and Anton Zorich 2019 - Co-organized with Lara B. Anderson. 2019
- Co-organized with Lara B. Anderson and Rafe Mazzeo and Tony Pantev 2019
- Co-organized with Lara B. Anderson, Sheldon Katz and Joerg Teschner. 2019
- Co-organized with Athreya and Bradlow and Gukov and Neitzke and Zorich and Weitze-S. 2019
- Co-organized with James Unwin. 2018
- 2018
- Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles IV,
Oxford, UK.2018 - Geometry and Physics of Gauge Theories at Infinity,
Saskatchewan, Canada.Co-organized with Steve Rayan 2018 - Current trends in Hitchin systems,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.Co-organized with Romina Arroyo and Ben Davison and Martin Mereb and Marina Logares 2018
- Sonia Kovalevsky Day III,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin. 2017 - 2017
- 2017
- Graduate day on Geometry and Topology II,
UIC, USA.2017 - Geometry and physics of augmented bundles,
Allerton, USA.Co-organized with Brian Collierand Georgios Daskalopoulos 2017
- Sonia Kovalevsky Day II,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin. 2016 - 2016
- Co-organized with Lara B. Anderson. 2016
- Higgs bundles, Instantons and real character varieties,
Baranquilla, Colombia.Co-organized with Florent Schaffhauser and Richard Wentworth 2016 - Graduate day on Geometry and Topology,
UIC, USA.2016
- Sonia Kovalevsky Day I,
UIC, USA.Co-organized with James Unwin. 2015 - 2015
- Spectral data for Higgs bundles,
AIM, USACo-organized with Joergen Ellegaard Andersen, David Baraglia, and Philip Boalch 2015
- GEAR Junior Retreat,
University of Michigan, USA.Co-organized by Dick Canary, Steve Kerckhoff, Michelle Lee, Ben Linowitz, Sara Maloni, Andy Sanders, and Anna Wienhard 2014